Stream Classification/Wetland Delineation and Valuation

Stream classification and wetland delineation are similar in their methodology – trying to determine where exactly a transitional point occurs. For stream classification, we use North Carolina's Surface Water Identification methodology. The NCSWI uses geomorphology, hydrology, and biology to determine where an ephemeral stream ends and a perennial stream begins. This important designation has been written into environmental law and policy in most states, provinces, and local governments in an effort to control non-point source pollution. We have the technological tools, field experience, and legal expertise to advise you how to comply with or exceed the requirements of those policies regardless of jurisdiction.
Rainstorm Riparian Buffer
Credit: Northern Virginia Soil and Water Conservation District

Wetland delineation and valuation are important for determining replacement costs or for wetland restoration so that they can be "banked". These two things, replacement and banking, go hand in hand. They are the two sides of the same coin. Wetland conservation and created wetlands can also be a valuable tool in storm water management. No two wetlands are the same and so we give you the critical information about size and quality. Whether you are mitigating wetlands in a construction project, preserving wetlands for better storm water management, or banking wetlands for credit, we advocate on your behalf.

Credit: PowerLine Technology, Inc